Featured Artefacts.


Antikythera Device.

Baghdad Batteries.

Nebra Sky Disc.

The Phaistos disc.

The Piri-reis Map.

Carved Stone Balls.



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        Anomalous Artefacts:

The archaeological revolution of the last two hundred years has unearthed some amazing discoveries from the world over. When on occasion, artefacts are found which have no historical context, their presence is often assumed as either completely false or  mistaken. These objects belong to an ambiguous category labelled 'Anomalous artefacts'.

Anomalous artefacts can be broadly divided into three categories:

Prehistoric Science and Technologies - Artefacts from this category exhibit evidence of the application of apparently lost sciences and technologies from before their 'official' discovery. These artefacts are misunderstood in terms of our understanding of the human journey.   (Quick-link)

Cross-Culturality / Diffusionism - Artefacts from this category are objects found in the wrong places. They provide evidence that suggests a level of cross-cultural diffusion occurred between ancient prehistoric cultures.    (Quick-Link)

OOPArts - The last category are anthropomorphic discoveries found within strata dated from before humans are believed to have existed. They are classified as 'Out of Place Artefacts', or 'O.O.P.Art's'. Artefacts in this category suggest a re-appraisal of our understanding of geological processes. (Quick-Link)


   Fake Artefacts:

The unknown nature of the artefacts that compose this particular field of research makes it imperative to keep both an objective and open mind when looking at them. In recent times, several artefacts have, in fact, proven themselves to be forgeries, a fact which cannot be ignored:

Coso artefact - The Fossilised spark-plug - The similarity between this artefact and a 1920's Champion spark plug demonstrates how easy it is to be misled and the importance of rigorous research... (More about the Coso artefact)

Crystal Skulls - Crystal skulls have been reported as  surfacing from South America for well over a hundred years. It is perhaps surprising then, to learn that none have been found in an archaeological context, and of those tested, they invariably show marks made from modern equipment. (More about the Crystal Skulls)

Piltdown Man. In 1912, pieces of a skull and a jawbone were found at Piltdown near Uckfield, East Sussex, England. They were thought to belong to a form of early man, but by 1953 scientists agreed that the specimen was actually the skull of a man with the jawbone of an Orangutan.  

Regretfully, and rather surprisingly, it seems that there are several very well known museum pieces also in doubt, and rumours that the market has been glutted with forgeries for generations. In many cases, the museums themselves have been reluctant to confirm the sceptics with modern testing, as is the case with the 'Phaistos Disc', currently on view in Museum of Heraklion on Crete.


   Astronomical Artefacts:

The debate over the origin and extent of prehistoric astronomical knowledge still rages. While many historians still believe that megalithic structures were built for funerary purposes, there is now enough evidence to show that our prehistoric ancestors were extremely well acquainted with the heavens.


At 16,500 years old, the Palaeolithic maps of the night sky, discovered on the walls of the famous painted caves at Lascaux in central France, include representations of Pleiades, Orion and a possible lunar count. (1) It is just one of a growing number of Palaeolithic evidences of astronomical observation.

(More about the Lascaux Caves)


The thousands of astronomical texts unearthed at the great library of Nineveh testify to the importance of astronomy to the Sumerians. Does this Sumerian seal (VA/243), represent a knowledge of the planets in a heliocentric solar system. There are many that argue it can show nothing but...

(Archaeoastronomy Homepage)


The Nebra Sky-Disc: Germany, 1,600 BC. Found at the top of a mountain in Germany and long believed a fake, this is now accepted as a genuine artefact. It is the only artefact of its kind in central Europe and includes astronomical information relevant to its location.

(More about the Nebra Sky Disc)


 The Antykithera astrolabe (right) was found fossilised, in a shipwreck dated to 85-50 BC.

The gear wheels of this mechanism were proportioned to show the movements of the sun, moon and planets. The gears could be moved backwards and forwards, making the device able to  calculate the positions of planets in the sky at any required date.

(More the Antykithera Object)


(Archaeoastronomy Homepage)

Featured  Items.
The Phaistos disc.
Phaistos Disc.
 Link to the magnetised 'Fat-Boy, and other ancient magnetic anomalies.
Magnetic Fat-Boys.
 Link to the Piri-reis map and other evidence of prehistoric navigation.
Piri Reis Map.
Antikythera Object.
African Stone Heads.
cambodian stegasaurus
Indian Maize.
Fuente Magna, Cuniform script, Bolivia.
Fuente Magna.
The Dropa Discs.


   Other Featured Anomalous Artefacts:


Petrospheres: Carved Stone Balls:

There are several examples of carved stone balls in prehistoric cultures who's original meanings can now only be guessed at. The petrospheres of Neolithic Scotland appear to show an unexpected connection with the Platonic solids while the hundreds of carved stones on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica suggest something altogether different. Perhaps all we are looking at with these carved stone balls is an attempt to express our affinity with geometry, but whatever the cultural incentive, there is no doubting the beauty of a perfect sphere when it meets the eye.

(More about Carved Stone Balls)



Model Aircraft: Egypt and South America:

There are several prehistoric model aircraft from both Egypt and South America. They show an understanding of aerodynamics in their designs which suggests experimentation.

The 1898 excavation of the Pa-di-Imen tomb at Saqqara, and another 14 Egyptian 'zoomorphic' models so far discovered all include an upright tail-fin, a feature not seen in nature, and therefore more likely the result of deliberate experimentation in aerodynamics.

 (More about the 'Model Aircraft' and Ancient Flight)



Carved Stone Vases, Egypt:

The Egyptian dynasties produced several enigmatic artefacts which continue to defy a satisfactory explanation. The schist disc on the right can be seen at the Cairo museum in Egypt, where it is officially classified as an 'incense burner'. The Egyptian skill with stone produced some incredible results such as the thousands of stone jars...

(Other Examples of Extreme Egyptian Masonry)




The Iron-plate, Great Pyramid.

According to the textbooks, it was only around 1,200 BC that it became possible to make a furnace hot enough to smelt iron. Yet in 1838, the English explorer Col Richard Howard Vyse discovered an iron plate embedded in the structure of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, an edifice traditionally dated to about 2,600 BC. Subsequent tests showed the plate to have very low carbon content, proving it could not have come from a meteorite (the only known source of iron in ancient Egypt) and must have been smelted. 

(More about the Iron Plate)



Ancient Lenses (Middle East and Mediterranean):

The discovery of over 400 ancient lenses has lent weight to the possibility that some at least, might have been used for astronomical purposes. Perhaps no coincidence that contemporary Babylonian texts refer specifically and accurately to celestial objects and details that are not available with the naked eye.

(More about Optics and the Ancient Lenses)




Electric Cells (Baghdad Batteries)

Railway construction in Baghdad in 1936, uncovered a copper cylinder with a rod of iron amongst other finds from the Parthian period. In 1938, these were identified as primitive electric cells by Dr. Wilhelm Konig, then the director of the Baghdad museum laboratory, who related the discovery to other similar finds (Iraqi cylinders, rods and asphalt stoppers, all corroded as if by some acid, and a few slender Iron and Bronze rods found with them). He concluded that their purpose was for electroplating gold and Silver jewellery.



Naturally Magnetised Carved Figures, S. America:

Several South American stone carvings have been realised to have been carved around naturally magnetic rock. Not only that, but the magnetised areas tend to be in specific locations of the body. There are at least four 'Fat-Boys' from the Olmec culture which have been shown to have magnetised navels and foreheads, in addition other animals are positively and negatively charged in their heads and tails. It is still unknown how the carvers were aware of the magnetic qualities of the stone in the first place.

(More on the Magnetised South American Carvings)



(Out of Place Artefacts - O.O.P.Arts)

(Prehistoric Sciences Homepage)

(Extreme Masonry)



1). M. A. Cremo & R. L. Thompson. Forbidden Archaeology. 1993. Bhaktivedanta Institute.
2). http://community-2.webtv.net/WF11/MysterySpheres/
3). http://www.badarchaeology.net/data/ooparts/dorchester.php
4). http://home.texoma.net/~linesden/cem/hamr/hamrfs.htm
8). Dr. Hans J. Zillmer. Darwin's Mistake. Adventures unlimited press, 1998.
9). Rene Noorbergen. Secrets of the Lost Races. New English Library. 1977.

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